Pocket Park 8/07 - show blog
Abe and I played this one with crippling hangovers. We had been to see the Rat City Rollergirls the night before – and made a swing through the North City Tavern where a fellow with good intentions and a bad attitude bought round after round of Jaggerbombs. Needless to say… Hurtin. Thank goodness Dan stepped up again. Good old Danny, addressing the crowd, calling the set, reminding me when to solo. Nonetheless, the audience seemed to dig it. Memory is foggy, but I seem to remember “Tidal Waves” and “Hey Baby” going well. I was mostly just happy when Abe did his numbers. After we played Jim Page and Artis the Spoonman got up to do their thing. Always entertaining… At one point Artis did a speech about how Paul Allen’s company was late sending him a check for $800. People clapped. I was in such pain – couldn’t join the revolution, under any other circumstance – I woulda stormed the barracades for my man.
GWAS posted this as: show blog, waste

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