The Blue Moon 11/06 - show blog
Abe: that was a good show. thanks jayjay, uncle doodad and dangermart. dangermart rocked! tim is is crazy. that is good. im happy that we played the tsetse fly song, its been up in my head dancing around for some time. its good to get that shit out there. also, i enjoyed the relevancy of backporch: 2 years after it’s inception. that is a sign of a good song-gawdamn! musically we didn’t get too far out there(limited time), which is ultimately where id like to be, yet all in all a good showing by gwas. on another note, general tso’s at HOHO garden((can’t be sure about the name(?)) is the bomb. as is uncle doodad, those guys understand the beauty of direct to disk live recording, and layed down some tasstyyyy schnizzz. as is dangermart- hard rocking mofos with crisp clean sounds and a masked front man who in the spirit of good fun almost inspired a two man riot! now that is a show!! a
PeteNice: We played first on a three band bill with Uncle Doodad and Dangermart. Much praise and thanks to Dangermart for hooking us up with the gig, and continued kudos to JJ for running such a cool scene down there. We played a short set of mostly GWAS classics to a fairly full room. It was great to see people light up for the one new tune we played “Teesee Fly”. The stage sound is pretty flat and the monitor wasn’t working. If you listen to the linked file above it’s a pretty good representation of what it sounded like up there. However, it’s always a blast to play the Moon. You can really push it out there and back.
D-Bone: The set was good, but not as good as the tequila we shot down before we took the beer-smelling stage of the Moon. The show got of our local posse out, like Scott & Jen, Diana, Sabina, and several others. Overall I thought this was our best performance in over a year, in terms of tightness and general dynamics and carrying the tunes along their paths. Of course, being the drummer, that opinion is not likely shared amongst the rest of the guys. I got the impression that I was the only one who thought we played well. I guess we’ll find out when we listen to the CD that the awesome guys in Uncle DooDad so graciously recorded of our set and gave us. Just for that alone, we owe them one :) but certainly not to take anything away from the DangerMart express…Tim, if you’re reading this, you are CRAZY! Never stop doing what you’re doing….people in the audience need to get more involved, and you guys certainly draw them in. NIce set by all, thatnks of course to the Moon, JJ for the gig, DangerMart for having us open up, Uncle DooDad for the CD and jamming a hot set as well, and of course the underage drummer who couldn’t hang out in the club but still made the effort to jam – and did a great job! Thanks guys for a fun and rcoking night! PS – I should drink tequila more often….should I?
dan posted this as: show blog, waste